Monday, December 31, 2007

A deep thought indeed

As I look out of the window,





Swifted passed like distorted palettes of colours.

But indeed beautiful things do not last,

They come and go.

Even if u manage to retrieve it,

They will never be the same.

Thus its best to leave it untouched in some corners of your memory.

My mind too.

Did its best to make every single lifeless things come to life.

Thoughts churned,

Voices echoed within my skull.

As though they dread to tell a story.

I questioned,

Endless times of why.

I answered,

Always in contradictions,

"I think I know yet not know".

I detest people who are so selfish,

Full of themselves,

Where the world only revolves around them.

But yet,

My family, friends and


Are one of them.

I seek and search,

For my hollowness to be filled,

I wait and learn

for and of


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